Sedation Dentistry

Most dental treatments are quite painful. But, do you what makes them painless for you? Sedation Dentistry. Apart from alleviating pain and discomfort, it is helpful for those who are receiving extensive treatment or have dental anxiety. There are three dental sedation options available: nitrous oxide, oral conscious, and intravenous (IV) sedation. Some types of sedation dentistry require a particular certification from dentists.

At Sue Vetter in Seattle, we offer the best service regarding dental procedures that require sedation.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Dentistry puts you at ease, relaxes you, and gives you a peaceful experience throughout procedures. Since the sedation for oral surgery is only light, you are essentially still conscious but are completely at ease. It is typically referred to as conscious sedation dentistry or “twilight sleep” because it causes a short amnesic condition during which you lack pain sensitivity without losing awareness.

Who Needs Dental Sedation?

All patients, even young kids, benefit from this dentistry. Our dental professionals frequently advise patients to make this decision if they have:

  •       Dental phobia
  •       Fear of going to the dentist.
  •       Extreme sensitivity in the gag reflex.
  •       A concern for needles (aichmophobia).
  •       Extremely sensitive teeth.
  •       Claustrophobia while seated in the dental chair.
  •       Reduced sensitivity to types of anesthesia for dental work.
  •       Controlling movement is difficult.
  •       Special needs (such as physiological, developmental, or behavioral).

Types of Sedation Dentistry

Various levels of oral sedation are available depending on your specific needs. Important factors include your level of anxiety, the length of your procedure, your medical background, and your personal choices. The three most popular sedation methods are nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

A frequent nickname for nitrous oxide is “laughing gas.” Following three to five minutes of inhaling nitrous oxide using a mask or nosepiece, you will start to feel relaxed. Throughout your operation, the dentist manages the level of sedation you receive and makes necessary adjustments. After your procedure, our dentist will administer pure oxygen to help your body rid itself of nitrous oxide.

Oral Conscious Sedation

For oral conscious sedation, the dentist will give the patient sedatives (typically in tablet form) around an hour before the procedure begins. Dentists routinely use oral midazolam syrup or other liquid sedatives in pediatric dentistry.

After using oral sedatives, you get extremely tired and may even fall asleep. You will be softly nudged and woken and yet be able to communicate with your dentist if necessary.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation

The deepest level of conscious sedation accessible in an office setting is IV sedation dentistry. Through an IV line, the doctor administers sedative drugs directly to your bloodstream. The dentist keeps an eye on your levels of oxygen, blood pressure, and pulse rate while performing the procedure. At any time, they can change your dosage and, if necessary, switch to reversal medicine.

What is the Cost of Sedation Dentistry?

The cost of this dentistry depends upon your choice of dental team, location, and insurance plan. Depending on the sedative used, costs could range from a few hundred dollars to more than a thousand dollars. Using nitrous oxide gas or oral sedatives, light sedation typically costs between $200 and $300. This price solely includes the cost of the anesthesia and not the price of the dental work.

Is Dental Sedation Safe?

Dental sedation is very safe. As you can anticipate, there will always be some level of concern, and the specific risks will depend on the level of sedation you choose.

Sedation Dentistry at Sue Vetter

Don’t allow anxiety to keep you from receiving the excellent dental care you require. This dentistry may be able to help you receive the care you need for long-term dental health if the idea of visiting the dentist makes you apprehensive or nervous.

At our dental care in Seattle, we offer the best sedation dentistry services. Every single one of our patients can obtain the best dental care possible because of the excellent etiquette and support of the personnel.

Any form of therapy for dental fitness can be given to you by our team of incredibly skilled dentists. You can call us on your phone or come to our office to make an appointment.










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(206) 547 4131


2101 North 34th Street Suite 170

Seattle, Washington 98103




TUESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

WEDNESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

THURSDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM


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