Root Canal Treatment in Seattle

Your dentist may ask you to get a root canal treatment if the tooth’s pulp becomes damaged due to an untreated cavity, chip, or crack, multiple dental procedures on the same tooth, or an injury/trauma. Signs of the damaged pulp include toothache and swollen gums and a sensation of heat in them. To diagnose a damaged pulp, the dentist will conduct an x-ray of your tooth.

What is a Root Canal?

Also called root canal therapy, the dentist removes the pulp — the soft center — from your tooth during this procedure. The pulp consists of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that allow the tooth to grow. Typically, a general dentist or endodontist performs the procedure. The dentist will recommend it when the pulp has become injured, inflamed, or infected. Even without the pulp, the crown — the visible part of the tooth — remains intact. In fact, the procedure is the best way to preserve the structure of your natural tooth.

How Do You Know If You Need a Root Canal?

The three most prevalent warning symptoms of pulp injury are tooth pain, inflammation, and a warm feeling in the gums. Our root canal specialist in Seattle will inspect the painful tooth and conduct X-rays to help diagnose.

The dentist might suggest an endodontist if they think you need a root canal.

The Benefits

You may be wondering how can a root canal treatment benefit you. Here are the crucial benefits of treatment:

Virtually Painless Process

You might be wondering how unpleasant a root canal is. Unlike the popular assumption, new procedures require much less discomfort and pain after a root canal than a tooth extraction.

Lessens the Chance of an Infection Spreading

The procedure gets rid of the bacteria that caused the infection. It prevents the infection from spreading to the soft tissues, facial spaces, and jawbone around the mouth.

Greater Chewing Efficiency

A painful and swollen abscessed tooth can make it challenging to chew. After the treatment, the tooth is set with a filling or crown, which improves the patient’s comfort when biting, chewing, and smiling.

Visually Attractive Implications

After performing a root canal, a dentist will reconstruct your tooth with a filling or crown to give it a more natural appearance, complete the smile, and prevent further damage.

Affordable Dental Solution

Contrary to popular assumption, therapy is not as expensive, and many dental insurance policies will help with some of the costs. It also provides long-term advantages for dental health.

The Procedure

Following are root canal treatment steps:

  • The dentist will apply a numbing medication to the gums, followed by a local anesthetic. You will stay awake but feel no pain due to these steps.
  • Once your tooth is numb, the dentist will make a small opening on the tooth’s top and expose the pulp. Using special tools called files, they will remove the pulp. The dentist will ensure that all canals are cleared properly.
  • After removing the pulp, the dentist will coat the area with a topical antibiotic to resolve the infection and prevent it from coming back. Using a sealer paste and gutta-percha (a rubber-like material), the doctor will fill and seal the tooth. It is possible that the dentist also prescribes oral antibiotics.
  • At the end of the root canal procedure, the dentist will fill the small opening in the tooth with a soft and temporary material. The purpose is to prevent the saliva from damaging the canals.
  • You will be asked for a follow-up visit during which the dentist will conduct an x-ray to confirm that the infection is gone. The dentist will then place a permanent filling in place of the temporary one or fit a crown.

Is Root Canal Painful?

A root canal doesn’t hurt more than receiving a filling or getting a wisdom tooth extracted because patients are given anesthesia during the procedure. However, after receiving a root canal, the tooth is usually slightly painful or numb and may even experience mild pain for a few days.

How long does it take for a Root Canal Treatment?

A single root canal treatment can generally last between 30 and 60 minutes. Some complicated cases can take more time. Of course, you will have to visit for your follow-up appointments as well.

Recovery from Root Canal

Once the numbing of your tooth fades away, you are likely to feel soreness. Your dentist may prescribe you pain medication. While you can continue your normal routine the next day of the procedure, you should not chew on the side of the damaged tooth until the dentist fills it permanently or places a crown.

What to Eat After the Treatment?

Avoid chewing gum or eating jelly beans after receiving endodontic treatment since these can make the prosthetic filling on your tooth weak or fall out. Soft foods that don’t require much chewing are best because hot or hard foods can hurt your teeth. Chew on the side of your mouth furthest from the treated tooth.

Root Canal Dentist in Seattle

Sue Vetter’s dental care in Seattle offers comfortable and affordable root canal treatment. To learn more about therapy or book your appointment, please call or visit us.










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(206) 547 4131


2101 North 34th Street Suite 170

Seattle, Washington 98103



TUESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

WEDNESDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM

THURSDAY – 7 AM –  3:30 PM


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