Problems with dental implants are rare but can happen. Your implant may become loose or the crown portion could crack and fall out. Fortunately, dental implant repair is possible. It is also referred to as dental implant restoration.

Why Problems Occur with Dental Implants?

If your implant has become loose, it could be because of the lack of osseointegration. The titanium implant fuses with the actual jawbone through this process. For several months, the body deposits bone around the implant after its installation, securing it in the same way that the natural root of a tooth is secured. If this process did not take place or finish properly, your implant may become loose in the future.

Furthermore, the stability of your implant is dependent on the density and strength of your jawbone. If you develop gum disease or an infection that causes bone deterioration, the implant may become loose and fail.

Therefore, it is important to visit your dentist regularly for scheduled check-ups, especially if you have dental implants installed. This can help identify any signs of gum disease timely, such as red, swollen, or bleeding gums, or fix your implant before the case becomes more complicated. In addition, if you have a toothache, you should visit your dentist immediately. This will protect you from developing an infection that could harm your jawbone.

What is the Process for Restoring Dental Implants?

The process of implant restoration depends on which part of the implant needs to be repaired. If the dental crown is cracked or damaged, the dentist can replace it without addressing the implant itself, which is the titanium post.

If your crown has fallen out, you should bring it with you to the dentist. Otherwise, the dentist will inspect it and tell you repairing the crack or chip without removing the crown is possible. It is also possible that the crown needs to be replaced.

In this case, the dental lab will create a new one and the dentist will carefully attach it to your implant’s abutment.

On the other hand, there is a scenario where your implant has failed. In this situation, the dental implant repair will require that the process be started all over again. This will include four steps.

The first step is to remove it carefully, which may necessitate surgical intervention. Then, depending on the state of your jawbone, a bone graft may be required. If your implant became loose due to a lack of density, failing to correct the problem will make replacing the implant impossible. You will need to recover from this procedure before the dentist can place a new implant —effectively restarting the procedure. If you find yourself in this situation, your dentist will present various options available to you in greater depth.

The Benefits:


Restored implants are usually durable and last for years. Titanium, as a root of the teeth, provide them high support and strength. According to dentists the minimum life of restored implants is 10 years. However, if you take care of your teeth, implants will last for the rest of your life.

Prevention of Jawbone Tissues

According to research and professional dentists, when you lose your implant, the muscles surrounding the jawbone will start shrinking. This is probably due to the lack of stimulation. When you restore teeth implants, Titanium roots get deep inside jaw muscles. This will prevent muscles from shrinking and keep your jawbone tissues protected.

Protection of Healthy Teeth

When you lose one or more implants, this will create empty spaces around your healthy teeth. This will make them weak by exposing them to bacteria. Furthermore, lack of support due to empty places will cause your healthy teeth to fall as well. Through teeth implant restoration, gaps get filled and your healthy teeth will get more support than before. This will preserve them from diseases and falling off.

Boost Your Confidence

Dental Implant restoration will boost your confidence as well. It will do so by improving your overall personality. Just imagine how would you look if you don’t have one or two of your front teeth. You will have a perfect arrangement of teeth after implant restoration that will make you look better and increase your confidence.

What to Expect After Dental Implant Restoration?

The following things may happen to you once you get your dental implant restored, so be ready for them.

  •       Newly installed implants may be loose after a few days. It is not a very serious issue, contact your dentists and they will fix them again. You will not experience this problem after that.
  •       Pain is also common after the restoration of your dental implants. It may last for a week or two. Take prescribed painkillers for this pain.
  •       Your gums and jawbone tissues will swell after dental implant restoration. This will not last after 4 to 5 days. You must contact your dentist if the swelling is persistent.

Implant Restoration in Seattle

Our dental implant specialists in Seattle not only provide the installation of treatment but dental implant repair too in case you encounter any problem. If you have dental implants that have become loose, or cracked, the crown has fallen, or any other problems with them, you can book your appointment with us for implant restoration in Seattle. Call or visit our dental office for more details.










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